
they call it wanderlust

Oh it was wonderful, James! I had never been there, and I had never seen some of the strange things there, but it felt like home to me. And to think I never knew the place existed.

-from The Blank Page my book in progress

Wanderlust. Yes, that is a very good word for it. for the feeling of homesickness, but not the regular kind- the kind you feel for a place you've never been. for a new and exciting place. because you don't want that place to just be a picture or a story- you want it to become familiar to you too. to wander there as a vagabond, so that place can help carry some of your story.

 And to think I never knew the place existed. yes, I've definitely experienced that feeling. with the chocolate shop in pagosa springs, with the farris wheel by the beach, the little cove with colorful stones by the lake-  how many more places like that are just waiting for me out there?

yes, i really do have a bad case of wanderlust. it's eating me up inside, it's pulling me to the window at night to look at the stars, it's dancing just over that rainbow in a teasing way, it's whispering the stories of all the things beyond that horizon, what does it look like from that hill, I wonder if that tree will hold me, is this map really telling the truth?

I want to stop wondering and just wander.

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