
Let it Snow!!!


Merry Christmas!!!

Happy eggnog drinking, snow wishing, and gift giving!
(I know I will!)


Back in style!

I brought out my old Heelies the other night!

I've decided to bring them back - who's with me?! ;)

(imiage from google)


OMG! I do this too!

I don't really 'Twitter'...Or is it 'Tweet'?... 'Tweety'?
Anyway, but I did see this:
and I thought it was so funny! It's just funny to read plus, I usually do a lot of them! ;)



I can spell my name with just characters! Cool!

+ l*\ ; $ + [~ l \l

Ya, you have to use a little imagination!
(That's right, I'm talking to you Alix!!)


Pictures with my Freinds!

Hello! ;) Yesterday my freinds and I took pictures with my friends new computer. It was so much fun and looking at the pictures is almost as fun! (The camara got confusing so we dont all always look very flattering!) * Alix is in the middle, I am the one with the stripped scarf and Sydney is on the other side!*

Were a painting!

LOL! They're so funny!


Ah! Help! We're getting sucked in!- and laughing too much to care!


I thought this was a very funny post @ In the name of Love
Shampoo bottles and OCD...

In case you were wondering, here are some of my quirks ;)

  • If I'm holding my pencil, I will start to doodle something
  • I have so many thoughts in my head, in the middle of a sentence I will immediately stop and forget which one I was talking about
  • When I'm spacing out, I will mouth words and make faces without realizing
  • I will ask someone a question then not pay attention so I have to ask it again
  • I like brownie batter and cookie dough better than brownies and cookies
  • I will press the wrong button on my phone so that I think I sent a text amd wait a long time for them to text me back
  • I constantly look down when I walk
  • All christmas music and movies must wait till after thanksgiving or they are just annoying
  • Toilet paper must be over ;)


I'm a Pumpkin!

A woman was asked by a coworker, "What is it like to be a Christian?" The coworker replied, "It is like being a pumpkin." God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff.He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."

For the Beauty of the Earth

For the joy of human love,
Brother, sister, parent, child;
Friends on Earth and friends above,
For all gentle thoughts and mild;
Lord of all, to Thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise!!
~ Folliott S. Pierpoint
(I'm having a little early thanksgiving)


I didn't write this, (In the name of Love) but I like it a lot and can definately say this describes me!

I’m not a sinner, but I sin.
I’m not a singer, but I sing.
I’m not a writer, but I write.
I’m not a seeker, but I seek.
I’m not a dancer, but I dance.
I’m not a speaker, but I speak.
I’m not a Saint, but I’m a saint.
I’m not a mother, but I mother.
I’m not a feminist, but I’m feminine.
I’m not an college student, but I’m a student.
I’m not perfect, but I’m an imperfect perfectionist.
I’m more than just she, I’m me.


"It's funny how you find you enjoy this life when your happy to be alive!"

- Reliant K
Hi! I wanted to share with y'all a poem-I hope you like it!
Let Me Carry It
Once upon an evening,
God gave me a life.
It was good and full of meaning,
Beautiful, and free of strife.
I was glad to be His daughter,
To be walking in the light.
I had the living water,
And I did what I thought was right.
But I still had my worries, my anger, my pride
I would not show them to the crown.
My faults and troubles I tried to hide
Till my burden weighed me down.
"Let me carry it," said my Father,
"For you are weak and battered."
I said,"No, there are weaker souls You can bother!"
And I labored till my life fell and shattered.
So God stooped down to earth
To carry my broken soul.
I knew not He could give me mirth,
And yet He made me whole.
So I said,"Surely now I can carry the load."
And I took away from God's rightful reign.
But I soon learned it was a dark and hard road,
For I fell and wept again.
"Father!" I cried, "Why do we have painful years?
And why can't our moments be gay?"
He replied,"There will be a glorious day when there are no more tears.
But through these dark moments let me carry you today."




Bible VS. Cell Phones

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone? What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets? What if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it? What if we used it to receive messages from the text? What if we used it to reach other people? What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it? What if we gave it to kids as gifts? What if we used it when we traveled? What if we used it in case of emergency?
And unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill. And no dropped calls! These kind of thoughts make you go...hmm... where is my Bible? Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities’?
In our generation, there is obviously a big battle we must all face between God and this world. I am not saying cellphones are bad and that we should all become hemits so we can pray all day (?!) But think about, How much time do we spend on our phones? The computer? The TV? iPods, iPads, and all things 'i'. How much reading the Bibles? Maybe Some of you can honestly say that you always put God first and keep the rest of the convieniances we are blessed with in perspective (I wish I could). Still, no one in thier right mind can deny that we live in a dangerous place. That Satan disguises many idols, not just tiny statues. It's scary to think that I am in this generation. When you think of the word 'teenager' honestly, what comes to mind? I immediatly think of negative things, (which I know I am capable of but would never think of doing) and I'm a teenager! As a reminder, I am no where near winning the battle but these are my true thoughts and I know with my Prince I can win. But, I want to know, what do YOU think of this battle Bible vs. Cellphone?


Happy Birthday Heidi and Ethan!!!
(I would like to elaborate that they are not twins but their birthday is so close together we celebrated it on the same day!)


Happy Late Birthday Holly!


Pray 4 Tennessee

Sometimes, God can use what seems like tragedies for His Glory.
About a year ago, my youth pastor moved to Tennessee to plant a church. Things were going well, but on Monday, May 2, There was an enormous flood there in Tennessee. Their building was covered in water. Thousands of dollars in equipment, chairs, toys, and other items were lost (not counting the damage to the building). I couldn't figure out how to put the pictures directly here in my post, but you can find some here. But as Kevin Miller (the pastor) explains in his blog, he is just enjoying watching Satan fail in his attempt to discourage them. God has blessed them in ways they could have never expected through this "tragedy".
I encourage you to please pray for their church and other families and businesses who have been hurt by this flood. Many people have lost their belongings, their homes, and some even lost their lives. pray that God can continue to use this tragedy for His glory, and to touch the lives of the people there.
And if you want to find more ways you can help, Kevin also has more information about that on his blog. ^


Poetry Faves


I love poetry so much and realized I have not mentioned that a lot on my blog so I thought I would post some of my favorites:
The Joy of the Hills
Edwin Markham
I ride on the mountain tops, I ride;
I have found my life and am satisfied;
Onward I ride in the blowing oats,
Checking the field lark's rippling notes-
Lightly I sweep
From steep to steep;
Over my head through the branches high
Come glimpses of a rushing sky;
The tall oats brush my hoarse's flanks;
Wild poppies crowd on the sunny banks;
A bee booms out of the scented grass;
A jay laghs with me as I pass.
I ride on the hills,I forgive I forget
Life's hoard of regret-
All the terror and pain
Of the chafing chain.
Grind on, O cities, grind,
I leave you a blur behind.
I am lifted elate- the skies expand:
Here the world's heaping gold is a pile of sand.
Let them weary and work in theirnarrow walls.
I ride with voices of the waterfalls!
I swing as one in a dream-I swing
Down the airy hollows, I shout, I sing!
The world is gone like an empty word!
My body's a bough in the wind, my heart a bird!
Song from Pippa Passes
Robert Browning
The year's at the spring
The day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hillside's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in His heaven-
All's right with the world!
William Henry Davies
What is life if, full of care,
We have no time to stop and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide thier nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.


Ways to get kicked out of walmart

This was an email forward but I just thought it was so funny!

These are a few ways to get kicked out of walmart, ha ha ha

Glue coins on the floor where people can see them and see how many people try to pick them up.

When there is a sign that says, "Caution: Wet Floor", move it somewhere else or to a carpeted area.

Switch the price tags.

Put random things in peoples' carts.

Go to the service desk and ask to put a bag of M&Ms on lay away.

Look straight into the security camera,and use it as a mirror.

Dart around the store suspiciously, loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.

Take the shoes off that you are wearing, then try to buy them. If a cashier tries to tell you that you didn't get them there, refuse and say you did.

Yell, "We got a code red in housewares!" and see what happens.

Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say, "Pick me! Pick me!"

Go into a fitting room and wait a while. Then yell very loudly, "Hey! There's no toilet paper in here!"

Ride around on a 3-year old's bike screaming, "The British are coming! The British are coming!"

Set the alarms in the clock aisle to go off continuously every 5 minutes.

Get a toy water gun and then duck tape all of the Elmo dolls together and say, "Don't move or the Elmos get it!"

Get chopsticks and stick them in your nose and run around yelling, "I'm a walrus! Hear me roar!"

Pretend to be a manakin and dress up in store clothes. Strike a pose. If someone looks at you, make faces.

Stare at the ceiling and see how many people look to see what you're staring at. (you can really do this anywhere)

Take a Darth Vador doll and when a clerk isn't looking, pick up the intercom phone and press the button to make the Darth Vador doll talk on the store speaker system.

Walk behind a person who works at Wal-Mart and say, "Can I help you?"

Grab one of the sample perfume bottles and squirt random passing people.

Get whipped cream and put it in your mouth and run around screaming, "I have rabies!"

Talk on the loud speaker and say, "Attention Target shoppers!"

Walk up to a random person and say, "Hey! I remember you!" and see if they play along to avoid emberrasment.

Put barbies in a tough-looking guy's cart.

Take a bunch of bouncy balls and bounce them at people.

Test fishing gear by casting into other aisles and see what you can catch.

Get a toy gun and run around the store playing army.

Pat a person on the back and put a "Kick Me" sign on them.

Throw a tennis ball and then chase it on all four legs, catching it in your mouth like a dog.

Dress up as Batman and sit in a cart while someone pushes you and yell, "To the Batcave, Robin!

Play bumper cars with the shopping carts.

Dress up as Spiderman and tackle random people and run off yelling, "Another villan stopped by Spiderman!" and then say, "You can thank me later!"

Start singing in a horrible voice and when people look at you, say, "I'm the next American Idol!"

Get a can of Lysol and follow someone around the store, spraying everything they touch.

Spitball the cameras and random people.

Breakdance in the middle of the store.

"Accidentally" get stuck in one of the frozen food doors. Give people strange looks and see if anyone helps you out.

Play "Marco Polo"

Randomly throw things into neighboring aisles.

Run up to a complete stranger and say, "You're it!

Take a "mysterious package" to someone's cart and say kinda loud, "Here's the next clue, meet me at Sector 57 at oh- seven hundred hours tomorrow. Bring no one. "



Hey! I just wanted to alert you all to the awesom book giveaway Bloom! is having. I love this author! :
Bloom!: Book Giveaway


The 'i's Have It!

I came across this link from the Bloom! website. A very inspiring topic by Amy Julia Becker- I think especially for our generation!

click here!

of course, I don't have any "i"s ;)

The Rock & Worship Roadshow

I love my new blog!...look...thing...lol.
So when I said I would try to post more often, I am just going to give that up cause I think we both know that's not going to happen =P
But, I did want to alert you all to the concert tomorrow:
It is going to have 7 awesom bands playing and it's only $10 at the door! It will be in Albequrque Tuesday(Sry for the short notice), 7pm at the Tingley Coliseum. Ican't wait! Hope to see you there!


This made me laugh soo hard. No lie.

Happy Easter!



Friday I went to the velocity girls ministry, element. It was a really awesome experience, and I recently put the link to their blog under Sites I "heart". You should definitely check it out!





Hello all people of earth who still bother to look on this blog!
So obviously I haven't been posting a lot lately- so thanks to everybody who still believed I existed and checked out my blog! Here's what's been going on:
I went on an awesome retreat with my youth group- The Peak! We went to Pagosa Springs and had an amazing time. A lot of people went on the mountain to go skiing and snowboarding-not me. But I did stay in town with some other Friends. We went sledding, to different places in town, then we had a great time just chilling in the cozy lodge while everyone else was having to hall snowboards and trudge through the snow. Ha Ha.
Also, I was exited when Alex and Brett Harris from the Rebelution announced their new book-Start Here.on February 23 a lot of teenagers bought the book and made it #17 on the best selling list from Amazon.com. I am so exited to receive my copy!
I hope to be posting more often so y'all come back now- ya hear?!


1 Corinthians 10:31

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.



So this past week I was driving my parents crazy by hopping between different availeble internet sorces in my house. And you will never guess why-
I was on the rebelution website and noticed this link:http://www.twenty29.org/
And if you look here I doubt you'll want to read through all the comments (but if you do its very humorous!) so basically we were all trying to find out what Twenty29 was. and after 1,848 comments, we found out: Twenty29
So I think I am getting way more exited over this than normal but you have to admit it looks pretty cool! I can't wait!


Psalm 1:1-3

Oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.


Speaking Truth, Showing Grace

I really liked this and some other reasent posts on there blog. Hope U do 2!
Bloom!: Speaking Truth, Showing Grace


Happy New Year!!!!