
Back in style!

I brought out my old Heelies the other night!

I've decided to bring them back - who's with me?! ;)

(imiage from google)


OMG! I do this too!

I don't really 'Twitter'...Or is it 'Tweet'?... 'Tweety'?
Anyway, but I did see this:
and I thought it was so funny! It's just funny to read plus, I usually do a lot of them! ;)



I can spell my name with just characters! Cool!

+ l*\ ; $ + [~ l \l

Ya, you have to use a little imagination!
(That's right, I'm talking to you Alix!!)


Pictures with my Freinds!

Hello! ;) Yesterday my freinds and I took pictures with my friends new computer. It was so much fun and looking at the pictures is almost as fun! (The camara got confusing so we dont all always look very flattering!) * Alix is in the middle, I am the one with the stripped scarf and Sydney is on the other side!*

Were a painting!

LOL! They're so funny!


Ah! Help! We're getting sucked in!- and laughing too much to care!


I thought this was a very funny post @ In the name of Love
Shampoo bottles and OCD...

In case you were wondering, here are some of my quirks ;)

  • If I'm holding my pencil, I will start to doodle something
  • I have so many thoughts in my head, in the middle of a sentence I will immediately stop and forget which one I was talking about
  • When I'm spacing out, I will mouth words and make faces without realizing
  • I will ask someone a question then not pay attention so I have to ask it again
  • I like brownie batter and cookie dough better than brownies and cookies
  • I will press the wrong button on my phone so that I think I sent a text amd wait a long time for them to text me back
  • I constantly look down when I walk
  • All christmas music and movies must wait till after thanksgiving or they are just annoying
  • Toilet paper must be over ;)