
The morning after rain

yesterday I woke up to a positively dreamy fall morning. The sky was low, and the clouds were dreary and gray. It might have been too gloomy if there wasn't golden leaves draping everything. but there was, and was beautiful. It was that hazy kind of morning where you could sit inside cuddled in your favorite sweater, drink some coffee and not worry about anything because there was nothing to worry about. like the whole world decided to sleep in.
of course, outside my little world, there was still this ghastly thing called school. I could not concentrate on anything, I kept looking out the window wishing I could take pictures. 
I will probably be waking up early each morning for a while, because if we are so lucky to get such a morning again, I promise to share some pictures with you!


November is coming...

listening to: far far by yail naim
quote love: heaven is not just a destination; it's a motivation. -Warren Wiersbe

 I apologize for my lack of posts, I am focusing for the time being on more sewing and crafts so I can open up an etsy shop soon!

And that means NaNoWriMo!!!
(national novel writing month)

This will be my first year doing it, and frankly I can't decide if I'm stoked or terrified. Probably both.

and here is a beautiful people questionare on the book. yourwelcome.

1. Sum up your novel in five words, or less.
turmoil, redemption, adventure, chaos, love.   
2. Novel title?
The Rising Epoch (or until I can think of something more suitable) 
3. Sum up your main character(s) in one word.
Kora: ...I'm sorry, that's impossible- I've been sitting here for fifteen minuets trying.
 Amser: dependable. Cale: passionate. Elizebeth: kind.  
4. Advice for newbies in three words?
don't ask me. 
5. Tell us about your secondary characters, how do they affect the story?
I don't know if Amser, Cale, and Elizebeth are technically secondary characters, even though they aren't as main character-ish as Kora. They are the ones that launch Kora on a head-spinning of a journey and are with her every step of the way.  
6. Do you plan on staying up till midnight on the 31st?
I wasn't planning on it but that is probably what will end up happening.
7. How many years have you done NaNo?
This will be my first!
8. What came first, characters, or plot idea?
Characters! That usually happens with my storys. A character pops up unexpectedly on the edge of my mind (more than likely disturbing my sleep) and says, "hello, let me tell you about myself and my wonderful adventure."
9. How much prep do you do before November?
 The charachters, basic backround and setting, and random ideas. (in other words I'm pretty unprepared. october is going fast.)
10. Now be honest, how do you really feel about NaNo?

Again, I'm stoked and terrified. I know the novel will be awful and if it ever wants to get published will have to go through some major purgatory rewrite, but I like the idea of just writing and writing without worrying about that stuff.

I will try to keep you posted on the book, and maybe do the extra challenge on the characters by beautiful people!



listening to: boys and bugs by poema
quote love: eating and reading are two pleasures that combine admirably -C.S. Lewis

Hello everyone, my name is Tristen. It's very nice to meet you.

yup, that's my real name. Thought you ought to know by now.

P.S. you can follow me on blog lovin' now :)


red lipstick

listening to: falling in love at a coffee shop by landon pigg
quote love: by the time you find a way to make ends meet they usually move the ends.

I was taking pictures of myself the other day, with my wonderful new red lipstick. hey, any excuse to take pictures right?

^ fail. um, the camara is up here, Josien.

I'm a little bipolar on this edit. your thoughts?

entering this in-



Orange peel in dark chocolate

Scavanger hunt Sunday!!

1. Landscape

2. Complimentory or Triadic Color

3. Black and White

4. Food

5. Blank Space




The mess that is my mind

listening to: too long by yeal naim
word love: fernweh- a crave for travel; being homesick for a place you've never been

Alright, I am going to show you the place where the escence of my life is contained. By seeing it you are automatically sworn to secracy. 
that means if you tell, I call the FBI and they find out where you live so they can do a fancy kick and knock down your door. ya, I can do that.

And that's as close as you get. Yes, I know it's not very big, it doesn't have to be. I write in morse code. k, not really but I might as well, this thing catches everything from my scattered brain and neatly tucks it away: verses, song lyricks, things to do, pictures i need to try, storys, post ideas, doodles, and those random things that I probably have no buisness thinking about.
Well, almost everything. The rest I just forget to write down, or i dont have my notebook with me.   Bleah Brian is such agood writer, and I loved the way she put it in her post:
I wish I had a jar in which I could store all of my thoughts. I think this would be the perfect solution for any overthinker really. If I had a jar made specifically for my thoughts I would catch them like lightning bugs and keep them beside my bed. I would name them all, and sort them all, and keep them all within reach. But they wouldn't be allowed to run rampant withing my mind, they wouldn't be allowed to overtake me. I would keep them all organized and in line, I would be able to see all of them all the time and make sure they behaved.

it's so simple. someone please find out how to do this. meanwhile, my notebook will suffice.


To make a Prairie

listening to: the show by Lenka
word love: phosphenes- the stars and colors you see when you rub your eyes 

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee,
One clover, and a bee,
And revery.
the revery alone will do,
If bees are few.

-Emily Dickinson

o goodness and gumdrops I love Emily Dickinson! Her poetry is simple and beautiful- I think this has to be one of my favorite-ist poems ever.

I am a quote junkie (see my new nifty quote box in the side bar), but every once in a while replacing "quote love" at the top I will put "word love" with a crazy dictionary word that makes me happy. 
unfortunately i found some flaws with the English dictionary :(

Words that do not exist in the English language:

l' esprit de escalier: (French) The feeling you get after leaving a conversation, when you think of all the things you should have said. Translated it means "the spirit of the staircase."

waldeinsamkeit: (German) The feeling of being alone in the woods

meraki: (Greek) Doing something with soul, creativity, or love

forelsket: (Norwegian) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love.

gheegle: (Filipino) The urge to pinch or squeeze something that is unbearably cute.

pochemuchka: (Russian) A person who asks a lot of questions.

pena ajena: (Mexican Spanish) The embarrassment you feel watching someone else's humiliation

cualacino: (Italian) The mark left on a table by a cold glass.

saudade (sow-da-jee): (Portuguese, Galician) the feeling one gets when realizing one once had is lost and can never be had again

another reason why I want to be poly-lingual. some day!... why you laugh? It will happen I tell you!

okloveyoubye. :)