

I've been waiting 9 months to watch this video.
9 months to share this awesome adventure with you.
(I mean, you know, to those who I haven't rambled to about it...)
*ahem* So ya, Elevate! BIG thank you to vertical for putting the video up!
after like 9 months...
For the high school summer retreat last year, we went to lonetree lakeshore.
I like words, but this sums it up better-

Can you hear me screaming?
"I liked those shoes... that was a creepy bus... There's me!... ya, we slept on hammocks. we're cool like that... It was a giant slide!... you know what made me happy? I didn't fall off!... they were insane... That's me!... we were pirates of the carribean... My sand castle- well Valarie helped- like a lot... That was the funnest part... anyone can be a ballerina when you put twizzlers in front of them!... we had no idea where we were going... we played ninja tag 'just to see what happens'... grand dance puma!... rapids!... sunburn!... That's me!... OMGOODNESS I want to do it again!!"

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