
My first love

It's no secret, I love reading. Anybody else? Hooray! Let's do a book tag why don't we?

1. Favorite fictional character:
er, that's really hard. Maybe Thomas Hunter from the circle series because he's an awesome hero that you have to admire, but he still has struggles that are relatable. You know, besides trying to save the world and all that :)

2. A book you have imagined yourself in:
pretty much all the books I read!

3. Favorite book:
aaah!! way too hard... hmm Imanuals Veins is one of the top, Hunger Games is pretty much tied. Chronicles of Narnia is a classic, and the circle trilogy is always going to be one of the best books I've ever read :)

4. Favorite author:
I'm afraid I'll overdue Ted Dekker in this post, but I guess it's because he is definately one of my favorite. And C. S. Lewis of course.  I love Emily Dickenson's poetry. Shakespeare is a given right?

5. The worst book you have ever read:
hm, If there was one I really don't remember :/

6. Your fictional character "crush":
I'd have to say Peeta Melark from the Hunger Games ;)

7. Favorite kind of book, such as Romance, Historical Fiction, Historical, Fantasy, Classic, Mystery: All of the above. Except maybe historical, I'd probably replace that with philosiphy.

8. Favorite kid's book:
Winnie the Pooh of course! :)

9. A book you have read more than once:
Immanual's veins, chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, the circle serieis, showdown... when I don't have any new books I usualy go back and re-read my favorites, because I have to read something you know :)

10. A book that is overlooked:
 ...I'll probably think of one the moment I finish this post.

11. Do you take peoples advice on what to read or do you find books for yourself:
both. I like to find my own because I don't really know anybody that reads the same things as I do, but that can only take me so far. There are so many good books to read, taking recomendations from other people is my way of exploring.

12. Favorite Christian novel:
I believe I've mentioned Immanual's Viens? And the Circle Trilogy.

13. A book that you could hardly get yourself to finish:
The fellowship of the ring. I admit I enjoy the fast-paced-can't-put-it-down kind of books more. With J. K. Rowling's backstories and lengthy descriptions, it was difficult for me to finish. Don't get me wrong though, I thoroughly enjoyed the book and am quite glad I read it :)

14. A book that you couldn't put down:
psh, all the Ted Dekker Books! and most of the one's I've read by Frank Perretti

15. A book you want to read:
wow, um mark of the star and starclimber for sure.... er I'm just going to tell you to go to my bookshelf :)

16. Book you are reading:
Emma by Jane Austen and A Tale of two Cities by Charles Dickens

17. Favorite racial controversy book:
I can't really think of one I have read with racial controversy :(

18. A book you regret reading:
If there is one, It would be like me to promptly forget about it :)

19. A book that while you were reading it you were scared:
Hangman's Curse was the first 'scary' book I read a few years ago, I had to finish it before I could go to sleep :) but House is probably the scariest I've read.

20. What's your level on how much you love books between 1-10:
like 11 :) it really is a passion haha

21. How many books have you read:
I really have no idea...

22. How many books do you hope to read this year:
hopefully 100! if I can get the time and money ;)

23. Do you like to read the same book with other people or are you a loner:
I like to talk with other people who have read the same books, or sometimes race other people to the end of a book, but usually I'm a loner :)

24. Do you take it as a personnel offence when people say they don't like to read:
Yes, but mostly I feel like trying to force them to read so that they will realize how much they really do like it. ;)

25. Do you wish to one day be an author:
Yes! I want to be able to write things other people will enjoy to read. :)

And now I'm supposed to tag you, consider yourself tagged! :) If you decide to do it please leave a comment with your link cause I'd love to see your answeres :D

ta ta for now 


  1. Hey, Tristen!!! It's always amazing to run into bloggers I haven't 'seen' for ages!!! It's been so long, I'm overjoyed you've re-discovered my blog!!! I'm adding yours to my favorites list so I'll be checking it regularly! *gasps* YOU'VE READ THE MARK OF THE STAR!? You're SO LUCKY! I'm very good friends with Liz Patterson's best friend(s) (they're sisters) and they keep telling me to read it... I want to so badly! Eep! =)
    ~ Mirriam

  2. Hey! I'm so glad you joined in!! My brother loves the Circle Trilogy! I on the other hand have not read it. Although from everyone's recommendations I just might. :) God bless

  3. Bookworm-

    I would definately recommend it! If you read them tell me what you think :)


    I totally agree, I feel like I'm running into an old friend! Thank you so much for visiting my blog :D
    I have not read the Mark of the Star YET. but it's one of the top "want to read" I can't wait ;) Liz Patterson is a great author! If you are talking about the sisters I'm thinking of, they are incredible writers as well, your so lucky to know them :)


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