
if you chase two rabbits they will both get away

quote love: somewhere out there, something is waiting to be known. -- Carl Sagen

yes,  I know, I just disappeared off the face of the earth this November, without saying so, or waving goodbye, or leaving a note, and I had no right to do so. The thing is I really meant to do all three, saying that I would be too busy this month to post much, but I waited too long and never got a chance.  So pull up a chair, have some tea, (or eggnog as I prefer this time of year) and we will do some badly needed catching up.

NaNoWriMo was a fail. If only it were any other month but November! 
my goal: 50,000
my achievement: 725

I hope you had a good thanksgiving, This is one of those times I'm very thankful for having a large family. *Three Thanksgiving dinners*

I also went on vacation and saw the ocean for the first time since I was one.
That was particularly terrifical, if I do say so. (prepare yourself for a legion of pictures)

Disney Land was twice as better, because it was all decorated for Christmas.

(ugh, i look ridiculous in that picture) funny story, I lost my sunglasses in Disney land, so I went to the lost and found and they said if they found them they would mail them to me. They mailed me some a few days ago, and although they are almost exactly the same I can tell they aren't mine. I switched glasses with some unknown person in Disney land. I'm not quite sure how I should feel about that :/

This is so Holly's future car.

my mum gets most of the photo credit :)

I'm so glad to be back to blogging, and a personal thank you to you guys who did not hit the *stop following* button. You are very much appreciated :)
and so I end with this picture that I love oh so much:


1 comment:

  1. maybe someday, you'll run into some random person and go "hey! those are my sunglasses!" and then be best friends forever.
    looks like lots of fun :))


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