
I am Still Alive!

Yes, it's true- she lives ;) haha.

I really have been meaning to post. So I may just bombard you in the future with a lot of randomness I never got to put before ;) Including, hopefully, some entries I missed from the writing gala :(

So why haven't I posted in 3 weeks? *Wow, that is a dramatic gap for me!* I have been busy.

Doing what? Just everything! :)

I am going nuts with all this delightful-bubbling-jump up and clap your hands then wave 'em in the air like you just don't care that winter is gone-Springness! *struggles for breath*

When your singing with the birds, and dancing with the rain, allergies is your only pain

I'm great with cheesy ryhmes, no? :)
And I know you have just been waiting to get on every couple of days and see the backround changed ;) Believe me, it is coming soon. I've really been wanting to change it *no surprise there* but I'm planning on redoing the whole design again, I just don't yet have the skill or knowledge to yet (I want to do it myself). And there isn't much of a point changing a few things to something I like a little better for only a short time. So, for now, it stays.

So there is a lot of other things I would like to write but it will have to wait for later posts! I'm excited for tomorrow and the Sunday Scavanger Hunt! *ahem* (JeNee)*ahem*


*ta ta for now!*



  1. Haha I forgot bout scavenger hunt sunday ;) shhh and omg I've missed u!!

  2. Love your images and text :) Keep it, and well done :-)


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