
Hey 2011,When did you get here?

Another year gone, another year here, more chances, fresh perspectives, and opportunities in the making. New years have never been a big deal for me. I always wonder why we celebrate new years but not new months, new days. Its all one stretch in our earthly life. Another moment that we don't deserve alive is surely just as miraculous as the beginning of the new year right?

But this year I've had a bit of different perspective. Maybe it was just God's wonderful timing, or everyone talking about what they were going to do this year that made me think differently this year. I don't want to waste this year. I want to do new things, reach more people, and live a life that God wants me to have. My whole life has always been centered around me. Hey, it's my life right? But that's not true. It's God's. And His world is so much bigger than mine. Which means He can use it in bigger ways.

But of course, what good righteous Christian doesn't know that? How many of us really apply it to our lives like God wants us. I know I don't. but I know with God's help I can. Thus leading to this years resolutions:

  • Read through the entire Bible

I have tried to do this several times but I have always failed. I now realize it's because It hasn't been very important to me. God wasn't the first thing in my life. But I want that to change. I want to have a much deeper, intimate relationship with my Prince. I printed a plan I think will work for me (here) and I know this year will be different because I'm relying on God this year and I am not doing this because of me. It's because God has given me a gift, and I want to take it, cherish it, and give back to Him.

  • Be more diligent in my responsibilities

I have school and chores and I definitely want to be better in that area because it's not 100%. But I think this still applies to other things. To do my best in everything I do. Doing things halfheartedly is no way to live. I know that the only way to reach my full potential and use it for God is if I constantly try better at everything. (1 Corinthians10:31) I know I'll never be perfect but that means there is always a higher goal that by God's grace we can reach right?

  • Expand my comfort zone and sharpen skills

I want this year to be different, and for it to be different I have to do different things. I have a small comfort zone, and admittedly a small determination will. But I again have to remind myself of my full potential. I'd like to learn Piano, read more advanced books, write more and better, and soon, Learn how to drive, get a job, and manage my money better. I also have to remember to listen to God's gentle voice because I know He sees more for me.

  • Let my personality and social encounters reflect Jesus

I want to be a person that people will tell is different - for the better. I want my friends to enjoy being around me because Jesus is with me and they can tell. I want to reach out to other people because of Jesus and for Jesus. This more like a life Goal than a new years resolution, but I hope that this year God will work in this particular (and big) part of my life.


Have a Happy New Year!

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