
Every Day...

Life is infinitely stranger than anything the mind of men could invent. We would not dare to conceive the things which are really mere commonplaces of existence.... there is nothing so unnatural as the commonplace.

~Sherlock Holmes

Dear Self,

I love reading Sherlock Holmes. It's great to see this character solve baffling mysteries with ease because he notices things others do not. Every day things. Things people see, but do not care about because they are supposedly unimportant. You know what's funny about the boring, everyday things, Self? They happen a lot. And do you know what else? God made it that way. He put a lot of care into the everyday things to make sure they happen almost every day. Why?

Because they really are important. God works in very subtle ways, as you are learning, Self. He works every day, tirelessly, flawlessly. There must have been a reason why the everyday things are the way they are. I suppose the reason is love. How many times have I gotten up, got ready, did chores, school, hung out, struggled, laughed, and thought This is because of love. Not often I admit. Because I never noticed, I never stopped to think how amazing that day was.

How every day, every day, God's hand was holding mine every step of the way, just whispering His love. His love in the friends I've found, the lessons I've learned, and the laughs that kept me going.

So Self. How was your day?

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