

pictures are just great right? :)

HA! Ya, That's what I call a Fail.

That's so cute ^.^ I gotta make one of these.

The quote ones are epic. awesome. amazing. smile worthy. take your pick

Finally, someone understands me ;)

^.^ Ha, Again, that's me.

I hope to get a Pinterest soon!!!
Anyone already have a pinterest? Care to invite me? How does that work anyway? See, I don't have one so I wouldn't know, now would I?

P.S. If my posts are not showing up on your dashboard, try clicking manage blogsstop following me, and then re-follow me <-- Remember that very important last step pleaze. and that should work. :)


You know your a writer when...

I crack up laughing reading these lists (taken from variouse places) 'cause it's so. true. [Don't judge] ;) Welcome to my life.
• You find yourself writing loads of fanfiction for your favorite movies, books, and TV shows.
• You will defend your favorite character to the point of death.
• You will defend the actor’s portrayal of your favorite character to the death (“Ioan a GREAT job as Lancelot! He was NOT comical!!!” “Don’t you DARE say Paul Bettany wasn’t a good Dustfinger!” “Did I just hear you say you didn’t like Zachary Quinto as Spock!? What’s WRONG with you????”) unless…
• You DIDN’T like the character, in which you will tell everthing and everybody within two miles that another version had better be made right away or ELSE!
• You write fanfiction for your own books in order to resurrect a favorite character you had to kill for the sake of the story.
• You can’t read a book or watch a movie without thoroughly analyzing each character and deciding which one is your favorite.
• Your favorite character usually dies, and you jump up and shout “I KNEW IT!” before falling back on the couch and sobbing.
• You find yourself critiquing books you read.
• You know at least four synonyms for every word (Leave, exit, flee, depart, farewell).
• You HAVE to have a large purse, so you can keep the two current books you’re reading, your pencil box, your sketchbook, and a notebook (preferably more) inside it.
• You tend to stick pencils in your hair, then forget about them and walk around looking for something to write with (alas, absentmindedness comes with being a writer).
• You get so wrapped up in stories that you find yourself talking to them (“How COULD he???” “What were you THINKING?” “This story is AWFUL!” “I wonder if they wrote any more books…”).
• You spend entire days talking, dressing, and acting like a character to ‘get inside their head’.
• You have made up your own fantasy language.
• You never get High elves, dark elves, wild elves, night elves, or santa elves mixed up.
• You automatically use your pen name more than your real one.
• You have more character files than the FBI.
• You would rather talk to your characters than the person sitting by you.
• You’re upset because you grew up in a normal family with two parents, five kids, and a dog. What a gyp.
• You simply smile and nod when people say ‘you’re crazy’ because you know it and you’re proud of it.
• You keep every notebook you’ve ever had with writing it because one of them might spark an idea some day.
• You have notebook stuffed with funny, witty, or clever lines that you will change a little and use yourself (It is NOT plagiarism!!)
• You start a book/movie and instantly know who is going to die and who will survive.
• You start a book/movie and know how the plot will turn out after the first five chapters.
• Nobody likes to watch movies with you because you talk through the whole thing, pointing out mistakes, laughing, crying, and over-reacting.
• You go into fits watching someone write with bad grammar.
• You find yourself talking about your characters as if they were real. “So-and-so said… uh, I mean, I wrote…”
• After correcting your mistake, you apologize to the character because the person you were talking to wouldn’t have understood.
• “New Book Smell” perfume would sell (sheesh, you’d even take old book smell!)
• You consider ink on your fingers to be badges of honor
• You can’t stand it when all anybody ever does is SAY things – ‘she said’ ‘he said’
• You’re always on the lookout for real models for your characters
• Getting the scene finished is more important than food, coffee, or the bathroom.
• You have a favorite line from every movie you’ve seen.
·  You can’t write because you’re mad at one of your characters.
·  You argue with said character.
·  You threaten to kill said character off if he/she doesn’t behave.

• You have a folder on your computer labeled “Ideas.” Some of the files within this folder have only one or two words or sentences and while they made perfect sense a year ago, between the software changes in that period of time garbling half the words and your own faulty memory, you have no idea what it means or where you were going with it. But you keep it anyway because you never know, you might remember it eventually.
·  You wake up in the middle of the night and scrabble for the pen and paper you keep next to your bed to write down a scene to make the voices be quiet so you can get some sleep.
• You end an argument with someone by saying, “Oh, wait, I have to write this down–this is the perfect conflict for my characters! Now, repeat what you just yelled.”
• You know the difference between metaphor, allegory, and analogy—and you use all of them.
• The thought of sharing a computer with someone else horrifies you. What if they accidentally download a virus? What if they change the settings in Word? WHAT IF THEY READ MY STUFF???
• You live in a constant state of “What if?”
• You think that sobbing hysterically is a good sign when people read your book
• You think someone hitting you hard after reading your book is a good sign, too
• You think someone boycotting you after reading your book is also good
• You know that one day the whole world will read your stuff, but for the moment – “NOBODY LOOK AT THE COMPUTER SCREEN! I AM TYPING!”
• You look on eavesdropping as ‘collecting ideas’
• The notebook you carry around is top secret. Until, you realize, that people around the world will end up reading it, but you won’t let your own friends even touch it.
• The list “You know you’re a writer if…” makes you happy because it confirms that you have a writer’s nature.
• Said list also relieves you because you realize that you’re not going insane and that other writers feel like you, too.
• You sometimes – often out of nowhere – sink into deep despair because you know you’ve forgotten a great idea/expression/etc. that you came up with earlier.
• You are ostracized from society because people frequently hear you say things like “Should I shoot Bob, or push him off a cliff?”
• You’re behind on your schoolwork (if you go to school) because you write too much.
• You have stacks of notebooks that you refuse to throw away because “hey, there might be some epic idea in there that I’ll come upon later and write a book about…”
• It takes all your restraint to not constantly correct grammar/spelling errors.
• You might be a writer if your friends and family have come to ignore your habit of talking to yourself.
• You might be a writer if your family and friends either ignore you when you talk to yourself (or your novel characters) or discuss what will happen to the characters.
• You might be a writer if you can’t help correcting and criticizing movies based off of books that you read.
•You see a hand-drawn employee appreciation poster at the grocery store with one word misspelled and have to avert your eyes every time you walk past it to keep from attacking it with a red Sharpie.
• Staring off into space with glazed eyes is considered ‘working.’
• You are automatically drawn to the display of journals and fancy notepads/notebooks on the bargain table at every bookstore you enter. And you buy at least two, because you don’t have any in that style yet, even though you have at least fifteen or twenty sitting at home unused.
•You have a soundtrack of songs you’ve compiled for each of your characters/each of your stories.
•You secretly correct grammar and spelling errors in friends’ comments on your blog posts.
• Your dinner conversation about how much poison to use and where to hide the body makes the diners in the next booth call the cops.
• Your computer is your only true friend. Until it freezes or the Internet goes down. Then you hate it more than anything in the world.
• The only response you can come up with in a major Facebook discussion about which cousin talks the most is: “This is SO going into my next book.”
• You didn’t know that Starbucks sells anything other than the Venti size. (Seriously? Someone would pay for something smaller than that?)
· You go into mourning when you kill off a character . . . even if the character deserved to die.
•You know that “Which of your books is your favorite?” is the second worst question you can be asked. The worst is “Which of your characters is your favorite?”
You scrutinize peoples’ appearances and mentally describe them as they’re talking to you
• You know more about your characters than your friends.
• The phrase ‘clear your mind’ means nothing to you.
• At parties, some people snoop in the medicine cabinet. You sneak peeks at the bookshelves.
• You’ve ever gone anywhere “in character” for research purposes.
• You buy tons of cool gel-ink or other nifty pens and cannot bypass a sale on your favorite spiral notepads
• You found it much easier to write before you knew all the “rules.”
• Whenever you’re at the bookstore or library, you automatically look for the spot where your books will one day be shelved. Or if you’re published, you to go where you know your books are shelved to see if anyone has checked them out/bought them, because you know how many were there last time.
• You have random pieces of paper, envelopes, napkins, toilet tissue, and church bulletins scattered throughout your house and car that contain the chapter you’re currently writing.
• You know more than ten verbs to describe the way someone walked into the room.
• Poorly written novels make you bipolar—elated knowing that you’re a better writer, and depressed because that hack got published and you can’t get past the acquisitions editor.
• You use semicolons (correctly) in e-mails, forums, and blog posts; you just can’t help yourself.
• It takes you forever to send a text message on your cell phone because you make it properly spelled and punctuated without realizing it. Then you change it to “Chatspeak” so you don’t look incredibly weird.
• Writing is all you can think about when you don’t have time to do it, and the last thing you want to do when you set aside time for it.

There's ink stains on your sheets and pens under your bed...

You think in third person...

You have a favorite word...

When bored, you narrate your life... aloud... in weird accents... (*facepalm*)

You own a pocket dictionary and occasionally carry it in your purse...

You feel like a failure when someone asks you for a pen and you don't have one on you...

Napkins are often decorated with haiku...

You use every Borders coupon and ask to be taken to Barnes & Noble to celebrate your birthday...

You use words like "incorrigible" and "haphazard" not because you particularly know what they mean, but because they sound so great...

You're friends are surprised to find out you don't wear glasses or contacts...

You buy notebooks in bulk...

You value coffee because it keeps you awake late into the night so you can write more...

You are generally awesome. =)



Hey, it's me. And some quotes.

I'm sorry for the posts (or lack of them rather). I've just been in between busy, lazy, and uh, melancholy, for the lack of a better term.
Not much to post anyway. I am enjoying my summer, but I wanted to do a lot more. I mean, I wanted to do everything this summer.
Unfortunately all I can think about is writing.
Bunny trail: Do you ever read something and go Yes! yes, yes, yes! Do we have shared minds or something? That is exactly what I think!
*ahem* or is it just me?
Janeal at This Journey Called Life posted:

Dear Self,
I have had this story in my head for the longest time now. Anyone who knows me knows that I live via stories. Birth is a story. Death is a story. Life in between is a long, long story. I enjoy stories. Therefore, I enjoy reading stories. Most people know this about me. What some do not know, however, is that I also enjoy writing stories. I have not written many before, but there are so many stories in my head that I do not know what to do with them all. There is one particular story in my head currently. It has been there for quite some time. I want so desperately to make that story come alive for other story-fanatic people like me. The question is, can I do it? I know I am a writer at heart and I love to write and tell stories. I might as well write this one, right? Yet, authors cannot just be people who like to write. They need to be able to give depth and substance to their work. That is something I do not know I am capable of. I am finishing Chapter 2 with so many more chapters awaiting penmanship. The answer to writing is easy, I suppose. I will always be a writer. I will always do it and enjoy doing it. The real question is, will my story be for my eyes only or will I share it with the world?

yes, yes, Yes! K, so it's definitely no secret that I love to read. It's no secret that i love to write either but very few people have actually read my writings. I have had a couple (mostly one) stories in my head but whether I will write them or not I can't decide. Or rather yes, of course I will right them because I have to.

...It’s not the most rewarding obsession in the world, but despite the hardships now and then it is, after all, an obsession. There’s no other way to describe it. For some reason, I am constantly plagued—or blessed, depending on how you think about it—with new story ideas. It’s not that I don’t want to stop, it’s that I simply cannot. That’s why I write.
And another yes! yes yes! to Brayden. (see here) So the question is not will I write them but will I share them? Can I write them? Will I be able to give life to my my story? Will I write just for me, and just whenever I feel like it? It will never get done then. I would have to commit to it. I would have to risk so much. And not only risk but actually face things that are bound to happen. And I know they are bound to happen because They've already happened in my past writing experiences. Miriam's post deserves another yes about what writers are really like. I can't put it all here, (You can click on the link if you want to see it) but I loved the quote by Limney Snicket:

“For one thing, writing is a dying form. One reads of this every day. Every magazine and newspaper, every hardcover and paperback, every website and most walls near the freeway trumpet the news that nobody reads anymore, and everyone has read these statements and felt their powerful effects. The authors of all those articles and editorials, all those manifestos and essays, all those exclamations and eulogies – what would they say if they knew you were writing something? They would urge you, in bold-faced print, to stop…
Besides, there are already plenty of novels. There is no need for a new one. One could devote one’s entire life to reading the work of Henry James, for instance, and never touch another novel by any other author, and never be hungry for anything else, the way one could live on nothing but multivitamin tablets and pureed root vegetables and never find oneself craving wild mushroom soup or linguini with clam sauce or a plain roasted chicken with lemon-zested dandelion greens or strong black coffee or a perfectly ripe peach or chips and salsa or caramel ice cream on top of poppyseed cake or smoked salmon with capers or aged goat cheese or a gin gimlet or some other startling item sprung from the imagination of some unknown cook. In fact, think of the world of literature as an enormous meal, and your novel as some small piddling ingredient – the drawn butter, for example, served next to a large, boiled lobster. Who wants that? If it were brought to the table, surely most people would ask that it be removed post-haste…
Of course, it may well be that you are writing not for some perfect reader someplace, but for yourself, and that is the biggest folly of them all, because it will not work. You will not be happy all of the time. Unlike most things that most people make, your novel will not be perfect. It may well be considerably less than one-fourth perfect, and this will frustrate you and sadden you. This is why you should stop. Most people are not writing novels which is why there is so little frustration and sadness in the world, particularly as we zoom on past the novel in our smoky jet packs soon to be equipped with pureed food. The next time you find yourself in a group of people, stop and think to yourself, probably no one here is writing a novel. This is why everyone is so content, here at this bus stop or in line at the supermarket or standing around this baggage carousel or sitting around in this doctor’s waiting room or in seventh grade or in Johannesburg. Give up your novel, and join the crowd. Think of all the things you could do with your time instead of participating in a noble and storied art form. There are things in your cupboards that likely need to be moved around.
In short, quit. Writing a novel is a tiny candle in a dark, swirling world. It brings light and warmth and hope to the lucky few who, against insufferable odds and despite a juggernaut of irritations, find themselves in the right place to hold it. Blow it out, so our eyes will not be drawn to its power. Extinguish it so we can get some sleep. I plan to quit writing novels myself, sometime in the next hundred years.”

Now for those of you who looked at that quote, thought about it, and decided to skim/skip it because it looked too long (shame on you cause you were wrong and you missed a good not to mention funny quote)... Or for anyone else really, this is what I was thinking:

Besides, there are already plenty of novels. There is no need for a new one.
It's true. I know the quote is dripping with sarcasm at most points but it's actually all so true. There are enough novels in this world, some are a waste of paper, some were never published but should have been. Who cares if he's a genius, it's just another random story. Who cares if one more nobody writes another random story? Who cares if i write one?

Of course, it may well be that you are writing not for some perfect reader someplace, but for yourself, and that is the biggest folly of them all, because it will not work. You will not be happy all of the time.
This paragraph makes my head spin in different directions. You will not be happy all of the time. Welcome to writing. Confession: I write for myself. Even this blog, I would still write if I didn't have anyone to read it. I've noticed that most bloggers have a blog for readers. What's weird about me is that I made this blog for me. I invite people to join me but in the end, it's just me, sitting here at my keyboard posting my thoughts and ramblings. (speaking of rambling...)
Anyway I don't know how many authors have said to focus on pleasing your audience, not yourself. If you want something to get published, you have to write something that people will read right? To do that you have to write to please other people right?

A great author is the one who has something to say and knows how to say it.... He writes passionately, because he feels keenly; forcibly, because he sees vividly; he sees too clearly to be vague; he is too serious to be lazy and ineffective; He can analyze his subject, and therefore he is rich; He embraces it as a whole, and in it's parts, and therefore he is consistent; He has a firm hold of it, and therefore he is luminous; When his imagination swells up, it overflows in ornament; When his heart is touched, it thrills along his verse;...He expresses what all feel, but all cannot say.

I read this quote somewhere in my English book, (I don't remember who said it, I think it was taken from a magazine...?) but i think it's great for any writer/reader. I don't want my stories published because I can get money by entertaining a reader. No. I want them published because i have a voice to be heard, a story to share. I have a heart that understands other hearts, that wants to speak to the heart who has ears to hear, to reach to the heart that feels the same. He expresses what all feel, but all cannot say.

So of course were back to that series of questions that refuse to leave my mind, refuse to stay answered: Will I write it? Can I write it? Will it work? Is it worth it?...
*sigh* ya. Summer. (If you read to the end of this post comment and say "potato soup" just to confuse the people who didn't ;)



On the first day of Summer... 

I had to write an essay.

The sun was red for the third time in a row. (due to the fire i suppose)
I don't think the camara realized it was red though...

 Is it just me, or do these look like I'm taking pictures of polution?
All the smoke blew over here too. And trust me we are really far away, it's crazy.

Ya, ok I went a little picture crazy but it's cool right? ;)

I had fun playing with the Google Logo.
Who knows what I'm talking about? /:)

And Ya, that's the bulk of it. ;)
I can't wait for the rest of the summer! I'll be doing a lot more lol



This summer i'm thinking of...

Late nights and early mornings

reading books that I like ;)

getting wet outside (usually in my clothes) but that's ok 'cause (where I live) your dry in ten minuets




new surprises every day

'sun' things

What are your summer plans?
p.s. sorry for the lack of pictures, I've been slacking on that lately ;) I'll get a lot more soon!
(that's another summer 'to do')



I'm nobody! Who are you?

I'm nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?
Then there's a pair of us--don't tell!
They'd banish us you know.

How dreary to be somebody!
How public, like a frog
To tell your name the livelong day
To an admiring bog!

~Emily Dickinson
Just curious- What is your interpertation of this poem?


Can i just say?

this picture makes me really happy, yet very sad i am not on summer break yet
